- Disaster Recovery Training (Free)
- Earthquake Archive Search
- Earthquakes Today - recent and latest earthquakes, earthquake map and earthquake information.
- Earthquakes - USGS
- Earthquakes - USGS Hazards Program
- EPA - Information on this page will help you understand environmental dangers related to earthquakes, what you can do to prepare and recover. It will also help you recognize possible environmental hazards and learn what you can do to protect your and your family’s health.
- FEMA - Earthquake information
- IRIS - Recent Earthquake Teachable Moments
- National Geographic - Earthquakes & Seismic Destruction
- Northern California Earthquake Data Center
- Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada
- Seismo-surfing the InterNet
- Stanford University - John Blume Earthquake Engineering Center A center for research and education in all aspects of earthquake engineering. The center is part of the Department of Civil Engineering at Stanford University.
The Earthquake Recovery Resource Guide
- University of Washington - Geophysics Program Geophysics Research including seismology and references to many other sources of earthquake information.
- USGS - Latest Earthquakes & Realtime Info
- World
Health Organization - Earthquake Technical Hazard Sheet & Natural
Disaster Profile
- World-Wide Earthquake Locator